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This episode is sponsored by Clariti and Raptive.
Welcome to episode 458 of The Food Blogger Pro Podcast! This week on the podcast, Bjork interviews Marley Braunlich from Baked Abundance.
Last week on the podcast, Bjork chatted with Parker Thornburg. To go back and listen to that episode, click here.
SEO Tips from a Food Blogger Who Works Full-time at an SEO Agency
Marley Braunlich started working full-time at an SEO agency shortly after launching her food blog, Baked Abundance. In this interview, she shares more about balancing a full-time job and a side hustle (especially when they’re both in the same industry!) and how she manages burnout.
Marley also explains what tips and tricks she has learned from her full-time job and how she has worked to optimize her site for search engines and build domain authority.
If you want to increase your site traffic (who isn’t?!) without losing the aspects of food blogging that bring you joy, you won’t want to miss this interview!

In this episode, you’ll learn:
- More about Marley’s full-time job at an SEO agency and how it has impacted her food blog.
- The tools that Marley learned about through her job and now uses for her site.
- How she balances a full-time job and blog in the same industry.
- How she manages burnout and adjusts her content strategy with a full-time job and a side hustle.
- What she has learned from coaching calls with other food bloggers.
- The patterns she has noticed amongst blogs that have seen the greatest success at her SEO agency.
- How she has worked to build her domain authority and increased backlinks.
- Baked Abundance
- Semrush
- Detailed SEO Extension
- Detailed Q3: Analysing The SEO Playbook of Digital Goliaths In-Depth, Every Quarter
- Mediavine
- Feast
- Eat More Cake by Candice
- Broken Oven Baking
- 100 Days of Real Food
- Connectively Featuring HARO
- Follow Marley on Instagram
- Join the Food Blogger Pro Podcast Facebook Group
Thank you to our sponsors!
This episode is sponsored by Clariti and Raptive.

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If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions for interviews, be sure to email them to [email protected].

Transcript (click to expand):
Bjork Ostrom: This episode is sponsored by Clariti. Wouldn’t it be awesome if you could figure out how you can optimize the existing posts on your blog without needing to comb through each and every post one by one? With Clariti, you can discover optimization opportunities with just a few clicks. Thanks to Clariti’s robust filtering options you can figure out which posts have broken links, missing alt text, broken images, no internal links and other insights so you can confidently take action to make your blog posts even better. We know that food blogging is a competitive industry, so anything you can do to level up your content can really give you an edge. By fixing content issues and filling content gaps, you’re making your good content even better, and that’s why we created Clariti. It’s a way for bloggers and website owners to feel confident in the quality of their content. Listeners to the Food Blogger Pro podcast, get 50% off of their first month of Clariti after signing up. To sign up, simply go to That’s Clariti, C-L-A-R-I-T-I, com/food. Thanks again to Clariti for sponsoring this episode.
Emily Walker: Hey there, this is Emily from the Food Blogger Pro team and you are listening to the Food Blogger Pro podcast. This week on the podcast, Bjork is interviewing Marley Braunlich from the food blog, Baked Abundance. Marley also happened to start working full-time at an SEO agency shortly after she launched her blog, and in this interview she shares more about balancing that full-time job and her side hustle, especially since they both happen to be in pretty similar industries, and how she’s managed the burnout that sometimes comes with balancing those two jobs. Marley also shares some tips and tricks that she’s learned from her full-time job in the SEO world and how she’s worked to optimize her site for SEO, including things like building domain authority and increasing her backlinks. Just a friendly reminder if you haven’t already, we would really appreciate it if you would leave a rating or review for the Food Blogger Pro podcast wherever you listen to your podcast episodes. Without further ado, I’ll just let Bjork take it away.
Bjork Ostrom: Marley, welcome to the podcast.
Marley Braunlich: Thanks so much for having me. I’m excited to be here today.
Bjork Ostrom: Yeah, we’re going to be talking about SEO. A lot of people are interested in that world, but we’re also going to be talking about all things like energy, creativity, burnout, outsourcing, things like that when it comes to the world of content creation. But let’s start with the world of search. So you made an interesting career change in 2021. Not only did you start your site at the same time, but you also started a new job in the world of search. So by chance, was it just like, Hey, I’m going to start blogging and start this SEO job, or what was going on at that time in your life where you made these big changes in your career?
Marley Braunlich: Yeah, I got really lucky because when I started my site, I didn’t know anything at all about SEO or keyword research, and it’s very interesting to think about what my site might look like today if I had never gotten my SEO job because who knows what I would’ve been posting, probably everything under the sun and probably no content strategy at all. So I’m very grateful that that fell into my lap at the same time. I started my blog about two months before I started my SEO job at an SEO agency, and I started my site just posting recipes for fun, things I was making for my friends and family. No keyword research, had nothing, no prior knowledge about that at all. I went from a marketing role over to this SEO role and it’s been really fun. I’ve learned so much and come really far with all of my knowledge about search, and I really enjoy helping my clients and seeing their sites grow, and I’ve been able to put some of that knowledge over to my site as well.
Bjork Ostrom: Yeah, that’s awesome. It’s one of the things that, we talk about this idea of we are all CEOs over our businesses. And our businesses could be a part-time job, it could be a full-time job, it could be freelance, it could be entrepreneurial, but really what we’re doing is we’re figuring out how do we craft something that is a really good fit for who we are and what we’re about in our lives? And oftentimes there are those transitionary periods where what you’re trying to do is align with the thing that you’re interested in. And in this case it feels like you did a really good job of that, which is, hey, search is a really important piece of the puzzle for anybody who’s building a website, building a blog, and one of the best ways to get on the job training for that is to have a job within the world of search.
So tell us what that job is like? What did you learn in that first year? And when you get into any type of agency, my guess is there’s a lot of things where it’s like, Oh my gosh, this is really cool. This is new information. And you also realize everybody’s trying to figure it out. There’s some element of everybody out there, whether you’re the best agency in the world or somebody who’s just new and starting, you’re trying to figure out what’s working. So in that first year, what did it look like and what were the things that you picked up as little knowledge nuggets?
Marley Braunlich: Yeah, it was really interesting because as you start out with most jobs, you are mostly shadowing a lot in the beginning, the first couple months and just trying to learn how your company does everything and learn from your managers and the rest of your teammates. So it was a lot of just taking in a lot of information in the beginning and just trying to navigate what SEO is, and catch up to where everyone else was at. And also on calls, just as clients are also learning about SEO because a lot of new companies and just different people in marketing don’t always get that SEO knowledge. I know even in college and my marketing classes, I didn’t even really learn too much about SEO at all, so it was like the first time I was hearing about that.
And so just really learning alongside clients, alongside my team, starting out with keyword research, a lot of SEO basics with even just heading styles and making sure you have 1H1 followed by H2s, by H3s. It’s surprising how many people don’t even know that going into creating a website or a blog and headings are just all over the place, and just different website platforms have been able to work in web flow and WordPress and custom platforms. And it’s been really fun to see just all these different websites and different industries from cryptocurrency to telehealth and even more so to learn even about all these different industries as well.
Bjork Ostrom: Yeah, it’s interesting. It’s like you talk about a crypto company that’s building on Webflow and suddenly that’s a very different equation, a very different outcome that they’re looking for and also a different strategy. And my guess is that it’s fun in that it represents something that’s new and unique compared to in our world it’s you have a similar playbook, which is you have recipes, you’re trying to rank for those recipes and you’re trying to figure out what’s competitive, what’s not, but also trying to figure out you want to create inspired content, not just optimize for the sake of optimizing, but were there things like, let’s say tools, getting into it as you started to learn, what were the tools that immediately surfaced as, Hey, these are tools that agencies are using? Because oftentimes agencies have the reps, they work with 10 clients, 20 clients, multiple clients, and so they’re looking to use the tools and refine their processes in a way that are most effective.
Were there any that in that first year or just recently even that you were able to pick up and say, Oh, this is a helpful tool if you have the budget to use something that is going to really help inform your SEO experience?
Marley Braunlich: So, of course, we use all of the basics that many food bloggers are also going to be taking advantage of like analytics and Google Search Console. We use Semrush internally for keyword research. So I’m the most comfortable with Semrush. I know a lot of other people use other keyword research tools, but I find that one to be pretty easy to use now that I’m used to it. There’s a lot of info in there, but very helpful to do competitive research and really drill down and get really granular with the keywords. And then just recently a friend actually told me about a free plugin you can get that I think is very helpful for SEO and it’s called the Detailed Chrome Plugin, something like that, detailed SEO. And really helpful also. I use that now and I shared that with my team.
Bjork Ostrom: Awesome. Yeah,, we’re actually having Glenn on the podcast I think later on, Glenn Alsop, who’s the creator of that plugin. For anybody who’s not familiar, if you go to, he does these great write-ups on search engine optimization, and he focuses on usually public companies and he talks through their playbook and he’ll do it based on quarters oftentimes. So his most recent one as of this recording was March 27th, and it’s called Detailed Q3: Analyzing the SEO Playbook of Digital Goliaths In-Depth Every Quarter. And he just goes and talks through, it’s these really long posts and it’s like, Hey, here’s the companies that, point number two, business news brand, is currently averaging 46.8 million monthly page views, 25% year-over-year growth, and talks about some of that information.
So for anybody who’s interested, it’d be a great one to check out. And he’s coming up on the podcast too. So what did that look like for you? One of the things that I think about is I have a friend who’s a painter and he often talks about last thing he wants to do when he gets home is paint, whereas people would be like, wait, you’re a painter. Isn’t it easy for you? And then you have the most colorful house in the world. But what was it like to navigate the world of working at an agency and then nights and weekends maybe doing some of that same work for your own site?
Marley Braunlich: It is really hard. It can be really difficult because I will sit in my computer and I work from home and you’re doing all of this work for different clients, helping move their site forward and grow their website, grow their traffic, and so you’re doing a lot of the same activities that you would be doing for your own site. So I sometimes will be wanting to do other things and just bake or do the photography side, and I’ll put off some of that computer work for a little later because I just need a break from my screen sometimes. And that’s where I think outsourcing could be really helpful. I’m still looking for someone to help out actually right now with just some social media and Pinterest types of tasks, and maybe a VA or something like that because I need a little break from doing the same things I do for work sometimes for myself, but still good that I have the knowledge to still do it if I want to.
Bjork Ostrom: Yeah, there’s something about, we all collectively probably have versions of this where you have the knowledge base, you have the ability to do a thing, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you are drawn to do that thing or want to do that thing. Everybody listening to this podcast if they wanted to could probably get really good at QuickBooks, could understand accounting, could get really into the details of Excel spreadsheets and the numbers for your business. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that’s what inspires us and why we do what we do. And I think one of the things that we need to talk about is work that isn’t necessarily work to just increase the bottom line or get more traffic, but work because it’s something that you enjoy. And for you talking about this idea of really enjoying baking, we talk about this all the time, there’s all sorts of different income and one of the types of income that you can get from taking a weekend to bake and document that with photography if you enjoy doing that is inspiration income or restoration income.
It’s good work to do because it’s something that you enjoy as opposed to the slog. And I think that everybody listening can relate to that and sometimes you need to have the slog, you have to work through it, but other times it’s like it’s okay to just name it what it is, which is something I enjoy doing and I’m going to do it because I enjoy it. So what has that been like for you knowing that? My guess is you’ve seen companies that you’ve worked with, or you’ve been able to do this X-ray vision into another site and see like, Oh, they’re experiencing a lot of this growth and saying, Hey, I can see that. I can know what that playbook looks like, but also to be strategic around saying, I’m going to show up in a way where I can continue to enjoy this and not get burnt out. And what have you done when you have come up against those seasons of burnout?
Marley Braunlich: Yeah, burnout is very real. It’s happened several times because like you mentioned, sometimes you just need to push through and just still keep your head down and do the work. And so that means I’m doing my full-time job during the day and then on the weekends or evenings I’m doing that same type of computer work for my website. And so I’ll go through seasons of that where I am really posting a lot more recipes or doing a lot of the keyword research and content planning, or trying to get back links in those Facebook groups and things like that. Other times I find that I really need to manage stress and find ways to take a step aside from the site and whether it’s just spending more time outside or just really trying to prioritize ways to de-stress and step away for a little bit and then come back whenever I’m feeling recharged, I think is really helpful whenever you’re experiencing burnout or just a little bit of stress with trying to balance that full-time job with a side hustle.
And that’s what I’ve been doing recently. So I think that’s been helping a lot and it’s getting me inspired again to jump back in and start creating more content and also redefining my content strategy to be, if I have less time to put toward my site, I want to make sure that the recipes I’m making and all of the things that I’m doing are really moving the needle. So trying to just really focus in on that.
Bjork Ostrom: Yeah, that’s great. And I think so much of what we do is how do we continually show up over a long period of time? We talk about that, and a significant part of that is figuring out when you are coming up against your limit and making sure I think of it in the context of a car. And if you’re running the RPMs and the red, there’s the little dial. I don’t know a lot about cars, but if you’re running the engine too hot and you just keep it there, eventually the engine’s going to fall apart. I don’t know mechanically what happens, but if you run it too hot for too long, it’s going to stop working. And I think when I think about what we do, we are knowledge workers, so we have our mind and we have our body, and those are the conduits for us to do work in the world and we need to do whatever we can to preserve and fine tune those, our body and our mind, because that’s what’s going to be the main tool.
We talk about tools like Semrush or Ahrefs or Google Search Console or Google Analytics. Really the best tool is our mind and it’s our body. And how do we treat that really well because it’s the most important tool that we have. And I think your point about understanding when you are coming up against burnout or where you are feeling like you have those seasons of stress to be aware of it, not because it’s self-indulgent, but because you want to treat this tool well that you have, which is your mind and your body, and to be really intentional with that. So I think it’s a really important point and I think that everybody to some degree experiences it, I think, if you are doing what we’re doing long enough, but not everybody talks about it. What does that look like for you specifically? Can you give examples of when you came up against that and decisions that you made to combat that?
Marley Braunlich: So I would say leaning into outsourcing and also coaching has been really helpful for me. So whenever I’m in a confused state of where’s my site going, it’s been two years, what is the point of all of this? I’m not on Mediavine yet. What should I be doing? Should I do social media or should I focus on SEO or now AI? And then you’re like Pinterest, so you’re all over the place and just leaning into getting advice from others and talking to other food bloggers, getting some help when you need it, I think has been really crucial to maintain my site and just keep moving forward, and not just giving up. So highly recommend doing that. I have a close friend that’s a food blogger and we’ll bounce ideas off of each other a lot and send voice memos and chat through different ideas we have and see what’s worthwhile.
I’ve had a couple coaching calls with some people I met through Instagram that are food bloggers as well. That has been helpful. I switched to the feast theme last year right around this time, and I really love the way my site functions now and how it looks, and that’s been really great. Yeah, so I don’t know. Outsourcing is exciting. Also outsourcing-
Bjork Ostrom: Yeah.
Marley Braunlich: … photography too.
Bjork Ostrom: That’s great. What have been the main takeaways or things that you’ve learned in those coaching calls?
Marley Braunlich: I would say, well, I’ve done two different coaching calls. One was more for pitching and that was with Candice Ward and I was in the early stages of trying to work with brands and wanted to fine tune that process a little bit more. So she was really helpful building up that confidence and giving me some tips on just how to communicate with brands and how to find the right brands. I would recommend looking into a coaching call with her. And then I also worked with Kayla, I think Kayla Burton from Broken Oven Baking, and she also is Food Blog coach on Instagram. And she was really helpful in getting my site moved over to the right hosting and theme, and she has just so much knowledge, even an SEO as well, and she has these free emails that you can subscribe to that I highly recommend people sign up for. She just sends out all these really helpful tips, and those have been awesome to see. She’s on it with all of the new changes that are happening in the food blog world, and those have been really, really helpful.
Bjork Ostrom: That’s awesome. Before we continue, let’s take a moment to hear from our sponsors.
This episode is sponsored by Raptive. When it comes to monetizing a blog or a site, display ads are a fantastic passive way to generate income on the content you’re already producing. In fact, Raptive display ads are one of our biggest revenue generators at Pinch of Yum. They make up nearly 80% of our overall monthly income. Raptive, which is formerly AdThrive, is on a mission to empower independent creators like you. And to date, Raptive has paid out more than $2 billion to creators. Not only do they help creators generate ad revenue, they also offer creators many other benefits to help support them with their audience revenue and business goals. For example, Raptive creators get access to industry leading tools like Topic, which helps creators discover opportunities to improve their content and plan the structure of their blog posts.
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So going back to the world of the agency stuff, one of the things that I draw parallels to often is sometimes when you go to the ATM and you make a deposit or a withdrawal, they used to, I think by default, just print out a receipt, a little, and then they would set it. A lot of times people would just set it on top of the ATM. So sometimes you’d go to the ATM and you’d see 10 different receipts and it would have, how much do people withdraw? What’s the balance? It is just this weird thing, but it didn’t have any personal information on it. So you could get this X-ray vision into everybody’s personal finance situation. You have that same thing when you are working in the world of an agency where you get this X-ray vision into these different companies in the strategies that they’re taking.
Now, obviously they’re all different, like we talked about. You have a home healthcare business and you have cryptocurrencies and you have whatever, maybe a pharmaceutical company. But I’m curious to know if you could, in your work within those agencies, identify anything that was a repeatable pattern or behavior or things that were working for certain clients that were just interesting or notable? And maybe it’s around strategies or tactics, but also maybe it’s around just their team and the way that they produce content. Anything that you could identify when you look back at the interactions that you had for those companies?
Marley Braunlich: Sure. Yeah. I would say that some of the most successful companies that I’ve worked with are very just focused and driven with their site. They are very stay true to their vision and their mission. They know where they want to be, even if they’re not quite sure how to get there. And just a lot of energy and excitement as well around publishing content and being very consistent has helped drive a lot of that growth. One thing that is interesting that surprised me early on was looking at whenever you’re doing keyword research and you’re looking at the search volume, you’re looking at the competition, and sometimes clients can be uninterested in very low volume types of phrases.
However, I have seen some really big success in conversions with low volume topics that are easier to rank for much quicker. And you might think it says only 50 people are searching this a month, but you’re getting 200 conversions from that one topic. So very interesting to see doing a balance of those higher volume topics that are maybe more competitive and it’s going to take a little longer to rank on page one versus those low competition and low search volume keywords where you actually might get just as many if not success-
Bjork Ostrom: Yeah.
Marley Braunlich: … topic and conversions from.
Bjork Ostrom: That’s great. And one of the things that’s in our world that’s a consideration is you hear 200 visits and it’s like, Oh man, I’m trying to get to a 100,000 or 50,000, whatever it is. And so you think, Oh, incrementally, what does that actually mean? What does that result in? But I think one thing that we can all be thinking about and consider is monetization via ads is one thing. I think it’s important and a really good consideration. But there’s also different in the example of a cryptocurrency, maybe if it’s an exchange, a cryptocurrency exchange, and they sign up one new user out of every thousand visits and that new user is worth a hundred dollars a year, maybe. Suddenly the metrics around a visit look very different, where in our world, maybe a visit is worth 5 cents, but in the world of somebody who has a product, maybe that looks very different. And so for all of us, I think it’s one of the things that we can think about.
Even we’ve had conversations with people who talk about email as a really important consideration and whether it’s Substack or Memberful who’s a sponsor of the podcast, talking about these ways that you can create a product and that product can be something that you can sell, suddenly that creates justification for going after lower volume keywords as long as it aligns with the thing that you’re selling because of those 100 or 200 people, maybe one of those converts and you make $50 or a $100. So I think it’s important to think about the conversion of people as well, and not just to think of it from a traffic standpoint of this many visitors equals this many dollars, but it’s also hard to do. So is there anything that you’ve learned within that world just around strategy and what people are selling, or for the most part, do they already come knowing, my guess is they already come knowing what they’re going to sell and they’re just looking to increase traffic via search to sell more of that thing?
Marley Braunlich: Most of the time, yeah, I would say most clients know what they want to provide, whether it’s a service or a product. On occasion, there’s some early startups that are still figuring things out and things are changing real-time. And so we’ll help guide that process with the data and just let them know what we think is a good direction to move in. And then a lot of time people are coming and they’re focusing a lot on paid search, and they want to move away from that because you get stuck there, and now you’re only able to get paying customers through paid service-
Bjork Ostrom: By paying for us. Yeah.
Marley Braunlich: Exactly. So they’re really interested in organic traffic and getting customers that way. And so we’ll focus on really building that up and trying to balance the scales there with organic to paid.
Bjork Ostrom: Yeah, it’s one of the things, it’s like when you are so used to the world of organic search, you don’t even really think about paid search, but for so many companies, it’s a huge component of what they are thinking about is how do you get people to your site? Well, we could do organic search, but that’s going to take a while. Let’s just pay for it. And the great thing about it is if you figure out a way, if you have a product and the product costs $50 and you can pay $40 on average for a conversion, that’s a positive return on that ad spend. And so you can just do that all day long. And it’s a great way to build a business, is through paid advertising. And it’s like we know a lot of businesses that do that, but it’s harder to do that.
It’s much harder to have some type of arbitrage on paid if what you’re doing is, or advertising revenue because you start to crunch the numbers and it’s like, well, it’s going to be like we could pay three cents to get somebody over, but that doesn’t really equate in the same way. So let’s say somebody’s coming to you and they say, Hey, you’re in the world of search. I’m starting from scratch. You have seen a lot of the tools that work, some of the tools that maybe don’t work, and they want to build their stack. They want to build the tools that they can use and the strategies that they can implement. What would your advice be to somebody who’s coming in without any experience?
Marley Braunlich: So we’ll do a full audit of someone’s site right up front and just see if there’s anything going on under the surface that we need to address. And there’s some education that takes place as well, getting people familiar with SEO and what the purpose of it is and why it’s important. A lot of people just don’t really understand why it matters, and so there is that education piece that is nice to go over early on. Really just following SEO basics I think is a great place to start because a lot of people are just not there yet. So really just with the heading structure, understanding, you should have headings on blogs, and it shouldn’t just be a bunch of paragraph text, adding alt text to images and optimizing the images, adding sizes and dimensions to those, just all of the good stuff that I feel like a lot of food bloggers are actually very good at.
Bjork Ostrom: Pretty good at, yeah.
Marley Braunlich: Yeah. Where if you’re someone just starting a company, you’re more with the idea of the company or the marketing and less affinity, gritty website stuff. So I feel that food bloggers probably have a really good grasp of the SEO basics and best practices, and we have so many awesome resources with this podcast, other podcasts and food blog coaches and things like that, that I think people can learn a lot from.
Bjork Ostrom: How about backlinks? You had mentioned that as an important consideration. There’s all different ways that you can get backlinks, everything from black hatty type stuff to just trying to create good content and hoping people link to it. Any thoughts around that or strategies that you’ve seen work well for people who are trying to build up their backlinks?
Marley Braunlich: So from personal experience, I’ve been growing my domain authority. I just checked earlier and I believe it’s around 32 now. So very happy with that since I really am still working on getting backlinks and still growing it. And site is still fairly young, but I just utilize the Facebook groups that other food bloggers are looking for links to include in Roundup posts, and I was really surprised at how well that works. I’ll get a report from Semrush that will let me know whenever I get new backlinks and whether they’re from trusted sites and trusted domains, and I’ll see the website straight from the food blog groups listed there. And it always makes me excited to see those whenever they actually go live versus just dropping a link, because you never know if you’ll be selected, but it really does work, and it has been the main way I’ve grown my domain authority.
So for other food bloggers, that’s a great way to go. I have tried to do a little bit of PR and just reach out to local magazines or just online magazines and sites that are featuring entrepreneurs, and I’ve had a couple placements like that, so that’s also helpful.
Bjork Ostrom: Yeah. I remember super early on, we reached out to our hometown newspaper. We wee like, Hey, we’re doing a thing. Do you want to do an article on us? And they’re like, sure. They sent a reporter down and interviewed us, and it’s like the article, it wasn’t a great article. I remember throughout the entire article, they used our first name and last name anytime they referenced us. It was like Bjork Ostrom thinks that, dah, dah, dah, dah, and then Lindsey Ostrom is, dah, dah, dah, dah. It’s just like, Oh, man, this is such a obvious small town newspaper article. But nonetheless, it’s like you have a link and then you can build on that. And I had a friend, Jason, this was way back, he had talked about this strategy, and he has a site called A Hundred Days of Real Food, and he talked about in the early stages for them, they would start with a small newspaper and then from that article they would use that as a reference for the next step-up.
So maybe there was the smallest state newspaper. So for us, maybe we’d get something in the county news review and then we’d go to the Pioneer Press and say, Hey, would you be interested in doing this? And then from Pioneer Press, we’d go to Star Tribune and say, Hey, here’s an article in Pioneer Press and building up based on the articles that you have that were a little bit easier to get, but all of it’s like it’s work. It takes a lot of work or help a reporter out, Harrow, Harrow. All of that is, it works, but it is work as well to get it done. But over time, cumulatively what can happen is you can, like you said, build up those backlinks and whether it be through the groups where people are doing roundups or hustling to get mentions and articles and stuff like that.
So that’s great. Anything else? If you were to go back, let’s say you were to sit down with yourself in 2021 when you’re just getting started and have these big career changes coming up, it’s one of the questions that I like to ask is a final consideration or a thought. If you were to look back and say, Hey, here’s the advice I would give to myself starting out, what would that be?
Marley Braunlich: I would’ve wanted to start out on a better theme right away. I wasn’t sure because I have so many hobbies and just things that I’m interested in. I start new things all the time and I never know if it’s really going to stick. So I should have just went with the better theme right away because I wasn’t passing Core Web Vitals. My theme was really clunky. I tried to put it all together myself, and I had no idea what I was doing, and I probably wasted just so much time trying to even get it ready to have a website that the Feast theme was just so much easier and there was so much documentation on how to make sure everything was correct, where this other theme I had didn’t have anything like that.
So I wish I just would’ve done that early on because it was something that did stick, and even if it didn’t, I would’ve not regretted starting it the right way, because it was just a lot more work, having to go back and change everything later and to remember how to do all of that all again.
Bjork Ostrom: Totally.
Marley Braunlich: So that’s probably the biggest thing because that would’ve saved me a lot of time, and I would’ve just been at a great starting point early on.
Bjork Ostrom: That’s awesome. Great. Marley, super fun to talk to you about your journey, the things that you’ve learned along the way. And my guess is people would want to connect with you and follow along with what you’re up to. Where can people follow along, like social media platform that you’d prefer? And we will include those in the show notes as well.
Marley Braunlich: Yeah, you can find me at Baked Abundance on Instagram. My website is, and those are probably the two best places to find me.
Bjork Ostrom: Cool. Thanks, Marley for coming on. Really appreciate it.
Marley Braunlich: Thank you so much.
Emily Walker: Hey there. This is Emily from the Food Blogger Pro team. Thank you so much for listening to the podcast. We really hope you enjoyed this episode. If you want to go even deeper into learning how to grow and monetize your food blog or food business, or you’re interested in starting a food blog, we definitely recommend that you check out the Food Blogger Pro membership at In the membership, we share all of our course content about topics like monetizing photography, essential tools and plugins, building traffic, and so much more. We also host monthly live Q&As and coaching calls to dive deeper into the topics that food creators need to know about and have a forum where all of our members can ask questions and get feedback from each other, from the Food Blogger Pro team and all of our incredible experts. We have received lots of amazing testimonials over the years from Food Blogger Pro members.
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