New Course: Food Video: Editing in Final Cut Pro X

Hi, friends! Guess what?

It’s new course day! Can I get a woot woot?

If you’ve been following along, you know that food video has been a huge focus for us in the past few months. We’ve covered the tools you’ll need, we’ve showed you how to plan your shoot, and we’ve taken you behind the scenes of a Pinch of Yum shoot.

Next comes editing. We’ve covered editing in iMovie and in Adobe Premiere Pro, but today we’re covering the editing software that the Pinch of Yum team uses every week to make their awesome recipe videos: Final Cut Pro X.

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New Course: Food Video: Putting It All Together

Give me an N! Give me an E! Give me a W!

What does that spell?! New!

Yep, it’s NEW course day, and we’re just a little excited about it over here at FBP HQ (could you tell?).

Today marks the release of our third food video course, but this course is a little special. You’ve already learned about the equipment the Pinch of Yum team uses for their food videos, and you’ve learned how to fill out a pre-production planning form to use during your final shoot. But are you wondering how to bring those two elements together in order to create a viral food video?

Well friends, here’s your chance.

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New Course: Food Video: Equipment & Settings

Food Blogger Pro Equipment and Settings Course

They day has finally arrived!

What day is it, you ask?

New course day! Video course day! Horray!!!

I hope you are as excited about this as I am, because creating food videos is the hottest thing since sliced bread. Not only are they fun for your subscribers to watch, they also really grow your readership because of their shareability on social media. It’s a win-win!

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New Course: HTML Basics for Bloggers

Happy New Course day! I’m super excited about this month’s new course. It’s brought to you by Yours Truly, and is going to be just the thing for all of you who run away screaming whenever anyone mentions “code.”

What could this course be? HTML Basics for Bloggers, of course!

Learning how to finagle with my website was one of the reasons I really loved blogging when I first started. It was so fun to figure out what everything meant, make changes, screw up occasionally (okay, a lot), and eventually learn what it all meant. But that was me… and I know that for a lot of you, the word “HTML” makes the hair raise up on the back of your neck.

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New Course: Styling for Food Photography

It’s time to celebrate! Two reasons (from least to most important):

  1. Google just released its iPhone keyboard app, Gboard
  2. We have a new course on food styling!

Most of you probably aren’t as excited as I am about the new keyboard. It’s kind of lame how excited I am about it. It’s a keyboard, Raquel. Come on.

But, I think we can all agree on this: this new food styling course is super duper exciting. Let’s dive in!

If you’ve been taking photos for a while now, feel all set up with your camera, know how to use your artificial (or natural) lighting, and have a closet full of props, yet you feel like something is still missing… you’re at the right place.

Food styling is where all those individual elements come together to make a beautiful, well-rounded photograph that really jumps off the screen.

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New Course: Understanding Ads

Screenshot of the Understanding Ads course on Food Blogger Pro with various video icons

It’s time for a new course!! Woot woot!

This shiny new course is all about understanding ads. When you’re a new blogger (or one who’s just never gotten into using ads before), getting ads on your website can seem really confusing and difficult.

Terms like CPC, RMP, programmatic and viewability can leave you feeling jumbled before you even get to the part where you install the code on your website. It’s frustrating, to say the least!

In this course, Bjork takes a birds-eye look at what ads are and how you can use them on your website. He goes over all those confusing terms and explains them in words a regular person can understand. And then he shows how you can set up an "ad waterfall" on your website to make sure your ad slots are always getting filled.

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