Trending Recipe Ideas This Spring

In this post, we’ve rounded up some of our favorite foods, recipes, and search terms trending this spring to help you plan your content calendar!

Snow is melting, days are getting longer, and spring is in the air! While we love the holidays and cozy winter foods, you can’t deny the excitement that spring weather brings. Not to mention all of the fruits, vegetables, and herbs that are coming into season. It’s a great time of year to be a food blogger!

If you’re brainstorming content for the next few months of spring, you’ve come to the right place! In this post, we’ve rounded up some of our favorite foods trending this spring.

Looking for more specific ideas for each month? Check out our monthly food content trends posts here:

Let’s get started!

Pool Parties

While we mainly think of pool parties as a summertime activity, searches for pool parties start ticking up as early as February (never hurts to be optimistic 😉)!

Screenshot of Google Trends results for 'pool party.'

And what’s a pool party without a salty snack or poolside sipper? Consider sharing a recipe for a pool party mocktail, ice cream sandwich, or veggie tray! If that doesn’t make you excited for warmer weather, I’m not sure what will.


Matcha has been on the rise for several years now and spring feels like the perfect time of year to feature this fresh, grassy ingredient.

There are so many options for matcha-inspired recipes — think beverages, cookies, breads, and more!

A photograph of a blueberry matcha latte in a glass with a metal straw.

Recipe: Blueberry Matcha Latte

Matcha also feels like a great opportunity to combine a trending ingredient with a seasonal holiday (St. Patrick’s Day, anyone?).


Searches for popsicles peak in June and July, so you’ll want to start sharing your delicious popsicle recipes this spring!

Google Trends results for popsicle recipes.

Get creative with your popsicle flavors, and highlight seasonal fruits and herbs for really unique flavor combinations. You could even go all out on trends and make pool party popsicles! 🤯

Farmers Markets

It’s no surprise that interest in farmers markets starts to tick up in the springtime, as many fresh fruits and vegetables are coming into season.

Google Trends results for farmers market.

Checking out your local farmers market is the best way to find inspiration for new, seasonal recipes! Farmers markets are also a great way to discover new ingredients and products that you can incorporate into your cooking.


There is nothing better than a cold glass of fresh-squeezed lemonade in the warmer months, and Google agrees!

Google Trends results for lemonade recipe.

While everyone loves the OG lemonade recipe, the sky is the limit when it comes to flavor combinations. Think pomegranate lemonade, lemon limeade, mint lemonade — you get the idea!

A glass filled with blueberry lemonade and topped with mint, surrounded by blueberries, mint, and lemons.
Recipe: Frosted Blueberry Lemonade


Of all of the drinks and foods trending this spring, this one might be our favorite! The spring and summer months are the time for all kinds of melon-flavored goodies to shine.

Google Trends results for melon.

Did you know that there are over 40 different varieties of melon? Watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew… melons are just ripe for recipe development this time of year! 😉

Looking to take advantage of this trending search term this spring? Think watermelon granita, cantaloupe skewers, or a melon Panzanella salad.

Spring Cleaning

You might not associate spring cleaning with food blogs, but hear me out! This is a great time to share some of your best pantry or fridge organization tips with your readers.

A photograph of a cast iron pan and scrub brush with a purple text box that reads "how to clean cast iron."
Blog post: How to Clean a Cast Iron Skillet

This is also a good opportunity to consider sharing affiliate links for your favorite food storage products and/or cleaning supplies! Searches for spring cleaning peak in March, so make sure to plan your content calendar with that in mind.

Google Trends results for spring cleaning.

Don’t forget these holidays!

Be sure to mark these upcoming dates on your calendar, and consider sharing some fun recipes that your readers can celebrate with.

  • National Nutrition Month: March
  • Ramadan: March 10 – April 9
  • March Madness: March 19 – April 8
  • Purim: March 23-24
  • St. Patrick’s Day: March 17
  • Holi: March 25
  • Easter: March 31
  • April Fools’ Day: April 1
  • Passover: April 22 – 30
  • Earth Day: April 22
  • Kentucky Derby: May 4
  • Cinco de Mayo: May 5
  • Graduation
  • Mother’s Day: May 12
  • Memorial Day: May 27

For our friends in the Southern hemisphere…

Even though the Food Blogger Pro team is based in the Northern hemisphere, we know that many of our readers live all around the world.

While it is starting to warm up in the Northern hemisphere, our friends in the Southern hemisphere are heading into cooler, crisper fall weather!

If you, or your readers, are based in the Southern hemisphere, this handy chart can tell you which fruits and vegetables will be at their best this season.

We’re curious… what trends are you most excited about this spring? Leave us a comment and let us know!

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  1. This post is amazingly helpful. Some of these holidays I didn’t think of. There is one weekend I am looking forward to that is huge for us Canadians. May 2-4 weekend (a.k.a. Victoria Day) It’s the long weekend that tends to kick off the nice weather and involves a lot of BBQ! And it is happening the weekend before Memorial Day. Hope this information gives food bloggers more reason to post those BBQ and Side Dish recipes a little earlier for Canadians to check out.

  2. Great post, Emily! I love the range of spring trends you covered, especially the matcha and popsicle ideas. The spring cleaning tips for food bloggers are a genius touch too. Thanks for the inspiration and helpful insights!