Food Content Trends in May

Discover the food, recipe, and content trends in the month of May — spring holidays, graduation, strawberries, tacos, and more!

Blue graphic of a bowl of strawberries that reads Food Content Trends in May with the Food Blogger Pro logo

Can someone please tell me how in the world it’s May already?! I feel like we were just talking about Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Resolution trends.

While the year flies by, it’s important to stay on top of what’s trending in the food space! Here are some topics your readers might be interested in this month:

Upcoming Holidays

As we mentioned last month, there are a lot of exciting holidays quickly creeping up! Make sure to mark these dates on your calendar:

  • Kentucky Derby: May 2 – 3
  • Cinco de Mayo: May 5
  • Mother’s Day: May 11
  • Memorial Day: May 26

And while you’re planning content for these upcoming holidays, don’t be afraid to get ahead of the crowd! A lot of people will be browsing Pinterest for inspiration a few weeks (or months!) ahead of time, and they just might stumble upon your recipe.

Margaritas & Tacos

Arguably the best part about this time of year is the fact that margaritas and tacos are trending. Can you think of a better duo? 🌮🍹

A Really Good Non-Alcoholic Margarita in two glasses.

Recipe: A Really Good Non-Alcoholic Margarita

Now that it finally feels like spring, it’s the perfect time to fire up the grill, line your cups with salt, and have a fun little fiesta.


May marks the month of graduations, so there’s a good chance that your readers might be searching for some fun, delicious graduation goodies. In fact, look how searches for “graduation ideas” spike every spring on Pinterest Trends:

Pinterest Trends results for graduation ideas.

And when thinking of graduation-related content ideas, don’t be afraid to get creative! Whip together a fun recipe for graduation hat cupcakes, or share some of your best grilling tips for those readers looking to take the festivities outdoors.

Easy festive recipes, gift ideas, and unique ways to celebrate will all be at the forefront of everyone’s mind.


Last but certainly not least: strawberries! These beautiful red gems start trending this month, and I couldn’t be more thrilled about it! Hey there, favorite summer fruit! 🍓

Google Trends results for strawberry recipes.

There are so many ways to incorporate this fruit into your blog posts this month. Try combining strawberries with the other trends we already chatted about — strawberries are perfect for Mother’s Day goodies or Memorial Day feasts.

Pinch of Yum's photo of pickled strawberries.

Recipe: Pickled Strawberries

Summery strawberry-based cocktails, strawberry salads, strawberry-based desserts… there’s so much yum to be had this season!

And for those around the world…

While we are well into spring here in the Northern hemisphere, our friends in the Southern hemisphere are currently enjoying their lovely fall weather.

So if you (or your readers!) are based in the Southern hemisphere, why not share some autumnal recipes on your blog over the next few months? And if you’re wondering what produce to include in your recipes, this great chart shows what fruits and vegetables are currently in season in Australia.

Now let’s chat: How are you changing your content calendar based on the trends we’re seeing this month? Which trends are you most excited about?

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  1. I love strawberries! I’ve already been posting strawberry recipes because the season in Southern California actually starts in February!

  2. I’ve been picking fresh strawberries here in SC for several weeks and I shared a baked strawberry doughnut recipe today. Love strawberries!

  3. Thanks so much Alexa! I just happen to be working on my May content calendar – your blog ideas are very helpful. Cheers!

  4. I really enjoy your monthly trending topics post. One holiday you may want to include on your calendar is Juneteenth, which is June 19th. I’ve only been reading this blog for a few months, so I don’t know if you’ve included it in the May post for June trending topics in the past. I’m just throwing it out there. Thank you for getting our creative juices flowing each month.

    1. So glad you’ve been enjoying these posts, Shannon! And thanks for the note — I went ahead and added Juneteenth to both the posts from this month and last month. Just such an important holiday to keep in mind.

      Let me know if there’s anything else you’d like to see in these posts!

  5. I’m excited to lean into promoting my Cinco de Mayo related content this year! I haven’t focused on it a lot, but I have a “wine with enchiladas” article that is a steady performer. I’ve added a good amount of Mexican recipes and some wines as well over the past year so going to focus on promotion! Would be nice to have another holiday that generates a nice traffic spike.

    1. Wine with enchiladas… yes please! 🍷

      Cinco de Mayo definitely sounds like an awesome holiday for you to focus on, David. Did you end up sharing some kind of roundup post?