028: How to Boost Your Blog’s SEO with Casey Markee from Media Wyse

Welcome to episode 28 of the Food Blogger Pro podcast! We are starting the new year off strong with a podcast all about optimizing your blog so that you can show up higher in search results.

SEO can sound like a really scary acronym – what does it even mean, and how can I make it work for me?! But fear not, because even though it can be pretty complex to master, it can also be pretty easy to get started with.

Casey Markee from Media Wyse specializes in boosting SEO for food blogs. He kind of fell into this niche by accident, and by now has worked with 50+ bloggers to help them rank higher in search. In this interview, he and Bjork talk about some of the really quick and easy things you can do to improve your blog’s SEO, as well as some of the higher-level stuff that can give you an extra SEO boost.

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026: How Pinterest Analytics can Boost your Blog with Kate Ahl from Simple Pin Media

Welcome to episode 26 of the Food Blogger Pro podcast! This week marks the 6th month anniversary of the FBP podcast – so exciting! We’ve learned so much in the last 6 months, and we’ve really loved sharing it with all of you. Thank you thank you for being our loyal subscriber!

This week on the podcast, Bjork is talking with Kate Ahl from Simple Pin Media about Pinterest!

For most bloggers (myself included), Pinterest Analytics are really just used as a comparison tool – how the blog did this week versus last week. However, Kate from Simple Pin Media specializes in digging deep into Pinterest Analytics to really see what works – and then she coaches her clients on how to use that information to grow their blogs.

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025: How to Connect with Influencers with John Corcoran from Smart Business Revolution

Welcome to episode 25 of the Food Blogger Pro podcast! This week, Bjork talks with John Corcoran from Smart Business Revolution about connecting with influencers.

Growing your blog can be tough – aside from all the cooking, photographing, and writing, you also have to figure out how to get your name out there. John Corcoran argues that connecting with influencers and growing your relationships with them can be one of the best ways to get your name out there.

So how do you do it? Listen in as John shares his personal experiences with networking, his best tips to meet influencers, and why you should rank peoples’ importance from a business standpoint.

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019: How to Master Pinterest for your Food Blog with Susan Wenner Jackson from Ahalogy

Welcome back to the Food Blogger Pro podcast! This week, Bjork interviews Susan from Ahalogy, a Pinterest marketing Partner.

As food bloggers, we’ve all heard it: Pinterest can, and should, be a major driving force for your blog. Get Pinterest figured out and you’ll be set with all the traffic your little blogging heart desires.

Unfortunately, mastering Pinterest isn’t that easy. Deciding what size images to use, whether or not you should make a compilation of images, and if you should be adding text are all tough questions. Thankfully, Susan Wenner Jackson from Ahalogy, a Pinterest Marketing Partner, is here to help us out!

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018: How to Build an Online Business Without Blogging with Jadah Sellner from Simple Green Smoothies

Welcome back to the Food Blogger Pro podcast! This week, Bjork interviews the cofounder of Simple Green Smoothies, Jadah Sellner about building a successful online business without blogging.

Wait a minute here. We’re Food Blogger Pro. What is this "business without blogging" stuff all about?

Well, our main goal here at FBP is to help people create a business at the intersection of food and the web. While blogging is a common, even well-defined, path to that, we also realize it’s possible to build a business doing less blogging and more of everything else.

Take, for example, Jadah Sellner and Jen Hansard, the cofounders of Simple Green Smoothies. They tried blogging at first, but found success when the started to focus on one specific idea and sharing that idea freely on Instagram. They now run a successful business (with a website and an occasionally-updated blog) and have a massive tribe of followers who love their microblogged content on social media.

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How Elise Bauer Built Simply Recipes and Recovered from a 70% Drop in Traffic – FBP016

Welcome back, friends! On this episode of the Food Blogger Pro Podcast, Bjork interviews the maker of one of the most popular food blogs in the world – Elise Bauer from Simply Recipes.

There are people who have been blogging for a long time. And then there are people who have been blogging since before blogging was a thing. Elise is one of those people, and you could definitely say she was at the forefront of the food blogging tidal wave. Today, she runs one of the most popular food blogs in the world, and is here to tell us about the journey.

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How to Find Your Voice and be Heard in a Noisy World with Dianne Jacob – FBP015

Welcome back, friends! This week, Bjork interviews Diane Jacob, the author behind the book and blog Will Write for Food.

If ever there was a mentor you wished you had when it came to writing, Dianne Jacob is that person. And the awesome thing is that she has made it her job to help people like you and me write about food better. From helping new bloggers find their voice to assisting seasoned ones with a cookbook proposal, Dianne has done it all.

We were so excited to talk to Dianne about writing for this episode, and we definitely weren’t disappointed.

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An interview with Molly Yeh, the author behind Saveur’s 2015 Blog of the Year – FBP013

Hi friends! We are back with another week of the Food Blogger Pro Podcast! This week, Bjork is talking with city girl turned country blogger Molly Yeh from My Name is Yeh.

So what do you do when you live on a farm in North Dakota and your husband spends all day out in the fields? You make cakes. And macaroni. And everything else delicious on the planet.

Such is the life of blogger Molly Yeh. While her husband works the fields of North Dakota, Molly brings us beautiful, delicious recipes from her kitchen, as well as stories from life on the farm. Her unique angle makes for quite the intriguing blog experience, and has helper he become the blogging powerhouse she is today.

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Making the Leap to Full-Time Blogging with Beth Moncel from Budget Bytes

Another week, another episode! We hope you’ve been enjoying the FBP podcast so far. We’ve sure had fun making it! Today’s episode features Beth Moncel from the awesome food blog Budget Bytes.

So many of us hope and dream that one day we could make blogging our full-time job. Well, Beth was once one of us, but now she’s actually living the dream! However, this didn’t just magically happen. Instead, Beth did a slow transition from corporate to self-employed, and it made the switch a little less stressful.

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Mastering Your Blog Business with Jaden and Scott Hair from Steamy Kitchen – FBP009

For today’s episode of the Food Blogger Pro podcast, Bjork interviews Jaden and Scott Hair from the inspiring food blog Steamy Kitchen.

Food blogging starts out as a hobby for most, but after all the learning, hard work, and pride in what they’ve built, many people decide they want to turn their hobby into their business.

But, that road can seem like a rough ride if you don’t know what to expect. Fortunately, Jaden and Scott Hair, the makers of Steamy Kitchen, Food Blog Forum, and Kitchen Table Mastery, are here to tell us a little bit more about it.

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