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This episode is sponsored by Clariti.
Welcome to episode 389 of The Food Blogger Pro Podcast! This week on the podcast, we’re rewinding back to our episode with Sarah Cook from Sustainable Cooks where she talks about what specific strategies she implemented to grow her blog’s traffic and increase her revenue.
Last week on the podcast, we reshared our episode with Emma Duckworth from Emma Duckworth Bakes where she talks about how she’s grown her blog by focusing on SEO. To go back and listen to that episode, click here.
Going From 17k to 600k Monthly Pageviews
For today’s FBP Rewind episode, we’re rewinding back to our September 2021 interview with Sarah Cook from Sustainable Cooks!
Sarah’s story is so inspiring, and in this episode, she shares everything she did to go from 17k to 600k monthly pageviews with her blog. She explains some of the unique ways she has invested in her blog, why she decided to delete hundreds of posts, why she loves having a blogging accountability partner, and more.
It’s a great interview, and we hope you can apply some of these tips and skills to grow your own traffic. Let’s rewind!

In this episode, you’ll learn:
- How Sarah decided to go all in with her blog
- How she struggled to define her identity as a full-time blogger
- Where she started investing money into her business
- How she shifted her content strategy
- Why she deleted hundreds of posts on her blog
- How she categorized her content into specific buckets
- Why ad earnings are typically lower in Q1
- How her blog’s success has helped her support causes she cares about
- How she fits work into the margins of her day
- What tasks she decided to hire out
- Why she loves having a blogging accountability partner
- Sustainable Cooks
- 170: What’s Working and What’s Not with the FBP Community
- Media Wyse
- Find Casey Markee on FBP
- Purr Design
- The Simple Pin Podcast
- Find Kate Ahl on FBP
- Mediavine
- Keysearch
- AdThrive
- Hey Nutrition Lady
- Cook It Real Good
- Follow Sarah on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest
- Join the Food Blogger Pro Podcast Facebook Group
About This Week’s Sponsor
We’re excited to announce that this week’s episode is sponsored by our sister site, Clariti!
With Clariti, you can easily organize your blog content for maximum growth. Create campaigns to add alt text to your posts, fix broken images, remove any broken links, and more, all within the Clariti app.
Sign up for Clariti today to receive:
- Access to their limited-time $45 Forever pricing
- 50% off your first month
- Optimization ideas for your site content
- An invitation to join their exclusive Slack community
- And more!
If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions for interviews, be sure to email them to [email protected].

Transcript (click to expand):
For the full transcript, head on over to the show notes for the original episode at
There are some real ageist comments in this podcast. I’m 62, been blogging for 12 years and am really not alone in this demographic. Don’t judge us to make your point. I understand what it’s all about.
Listening to the bits about people of a certain age not “getting it” tells me that I’m not welcome in your blogging space. There are people who want to learn in all demographics. Try being more inclusive.
Hi Taryn,
I’m so sorry to hear that some of the conversations in this podcast episode offended you – that wasn’t our intention at all! I think that the point Bjork and Sarah were trying to make, is that the younger generation has grown up with this technology, and it is more intuitive for them because they never knew life without it. I’m in my thirties, and still struggling to figure out TikTok! We aim to be as inclusive as possible. If you’d like to be a guest on the podcast to share your experience as a food blogger, feel free to fill out our Typeform: