054: How Bloggers Become Entrepreneurs with Jeni Elliott from The Blog Maven

Welcome to episode 54 of the Food Blogger Pro podcast! In this episode, Bjork talks with Jeni Elliot from The Blog Maven.

Jeni Elliott knows that just doing the work isn’t going to turn your business dreams into a reality. Instead, she’s a proponent of doing the right kind of work, using both tactics and strategies to achieve your overarching goals, and maintaining a work-life balance.

She got her start not in the blogging world, but in the business world, where she helped small business owners meet their goals. As an avid blog reader, though, she found that she could apply her strategies to blog businesses and see profound impact. So, she made The Blog Maven her career’s work, and along the way has learned what it takes to turn a blogger into an entrepreneur.

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053: Pat Flynn’s Tips for Building Online Businesses That Fly

Welcome to episode 53 of the Food Blogger Pro podcast! In this episode, Bjork talks with someone most of us are probably familiar with, Pat Flynn from Smart Passive Income.

Do I even need to introduce Pat? I mean, he’s kind of an online business celebrity. In the world of passive income, Pat has come to embody what it means to run a passive income business.

If you haven’t heard of passive income before, definitey check out Pat’s website where he talks a lot about it.

This episode doesn’t go too deep into the intricacies of what passive income is. Instead, Pat talks about what he’s done to determine whether a passive income business idea will really take off – whether or not it will fly. He talks about his two passive income business and how they continue to bring in money today after creating them years ago. He talks about how he can manage with so many things on his plate while still adhering to The One Thing that Jay Papasan talked about in this episode. In all, it’s a really incredible episode, so let’s just jump right in!

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052: How to Sell 4,000 Cookbooks Before You Even Publish with Megan Gilmore from Detoxinista

Welcome to episode 52 of the Food Blogger Pro podcast! In this episode, Bjork talks with Megan Gilmore from Detoxinista.

We all know that writing a cookbook is a LOT of work. From the recipe development to the photography, a cookbook author is a busy bee. One thing you might not know, though, is that the author is also expected to presell copies of their book to their audience before it even publishes. As you might imagine, this can be quite the task!

When Megan Gilmore, the author behind Detoxinista, set out to presell copies of her first cookbook, they expected the average number of sales – somewhere around 500 cookbooks. Instead, she blew everyone at 10 Speed Press out of the water with a whopping 4,000 cookbook presales – the largest presale in the history of 10 Speed Press. Today, she’s here to tell us how she did it.

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051: Building a Brand for your Business with Aaron Scott from Your Brand Week

Welcome to episode 51 of the Food Blogger Pro podcast! In this episode, Bjork dives into the intricacies of branding with Aaron Scott from Your Brand Week.

For some new businesses, branding can be an afterthought, or even something that isn’t thought about much at all. In reality, though, your branding can be the first and last impression that a visitor can have about your business. A logo can convey meaning, type can encourage continued reading, and colors can invoke emotion. When it all comes together, your branding can be a powerful tool for your business.

Aaron Scott and his wife, Amanda, recently launched Your Brand Week, a boutique branding agency geared toward helping small businesses create meaningful brands in an affordable and efficient manner. Today, Aaron chats with Bjork about what a cohesive brand is and how it can impact your business.

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050: The Secret to Engaging Video with Tim Schmoyer from VideoCreators.com

Welcome to episode 50 of the Food Blogger Pro podcast! In this episode, Bjork talks all things video with Tim Schmoyer from VideoCreators.com.

We’ve all heard it recently: video is the new thing. Get into video. Video is key. Okay, okay. We get it. We need to get into video.

But once we make that commitment and dive right in, how do we get people to watch it? And beyond that, how do we get them to keep watching it?

Keeping viewers engaged with your video is extremely important. The longer they watch your video, the more interested they are in your content, and the more positive signals they send to YouTube (or wherever you upload).

Tim Schmoyer, founder of VideoCreators.com and long-time successful YouTube Vlogger, is here today to share his secrets to creating engaging videos that your viewers just can’t peel their eyes away from.

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049: The Power of Accountability with Allison Schaaf from PrepDish

Welcome to episode 49 of the Food Blogger Pro podcast! In this episode, Bjork chats with Allison Schaaf from the meal planning service PrepDish.

Allison Schaaf started her entrepreneurial adventure with two key components: a focused goal and great branding. But what has kept her going in creating a business that brings in hundreds of thousands of dollars every year was something else entirely. In a word:


Allison found a while back that working with business coaches has helped her business skyrocket. And while the coaches helped her get to where she is today, she also discovered that accountability of any sort, from a coach to a friend to a dedicated group, is what helps her set and achieve her goals.

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048: Finding success on the verge of quitting with Dustin & Lacey Baier from A Sweet Pea Chef

Welcome to episode 48 of the Food Blogger Pro podcast! This week, Bjork interviews Dustin & Lacey Baier from A Sweet Pea Chef.

A few years ago, A Sweet Pea Chef was floundering. Dustin & Lacey had grown it to the point where it was getting expensive to maintain, but they hadn’t unlocked the secrets to turning it into a successful business. They bounced from great idea to great idea, but just weren’t able to get anything to stick.

Until, one day, an internet passer-by pounced and described how inferior they were to the competition. Little did they know, this angry email would lead them down a path that would help them properly monetize their website and start turning things around.

Since then, Dustin & Lacey learned how to say no to good opportunities to focus on what’s most important, cracked the code for viral vide, and took A Sweet Pea Chef to new heights.

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047.5: Food Blogger Pro is Open for Enrollment!

Welcome to episode 47.. and a half of the Food Blogger Pro podcast! In this special bonus edition, Bjork tells the story of why he and Lindsay started Food Blogger Pro, and how it has grown to help thousands of members start and grow their food blogs.

But first…

Food Blogger Pro is Open for Enrollment!

It’s the thing we’ve all been waiting for! We’ve had so many people email us asking when FBP would finally be open for enrollment again. And to our great happiness, the time has come!

We’ll be accepting new members to Food Blogger Pro today, May 24, through Thursday, June 2 at midnight CST.

–> Click here to sign up! <–

We are so excited to be bringing some new members on board. We love, love our Food Blogger Pro family, and we’re so excited to be growing it once again.

Alright, now about that story. If you ever wondered why Bjork and Lindsay started Food Blogger Pro and what that was like for them, then listen in as Bjork takes a trip down memory lane. He also talks about the benefits of being a Food Blogger Pro member, from the video library to the community forum, the access to industry experts to the special deals & discounts. It’s pretty great, if I may so so myself!

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047: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results with Jay Papasan

Welcome to episode 47 of the Food Blogger Pro podcast! In this episode, Bjork interviews Jay Papasan, coauthor of the New York Times Bestseller The ONE Thing.

If you’re anything like I am, there are always more things to do than we have time for, and prioritizing what to work on every day can be really tough. As a result, we’re pulled in so many different directions working on different projects that we find it really difficult to make any measurable progress on any one thing.

If this describes you, you are not alone. Jay Papasan and Gary Keller discovered that this was a problem that faced so many of their employees and coworkers at the Keller Williams Realty group. After Gary worked for years with his employees to help them discover the things they should be focusing on, he and Jay, a NYT bestselling book editor, came together to write a book about it, called The ONE Thing.

Today, Jay joins Bjork in an interview that is sure to change the way you are thinking about your projects and priorities.

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046: How Kate Kordsmeier Doubled Her Income with Freelancing

Welcome to episode 46 of the Food Blogger Pro podcast! In this episode, Bjork talks with Kate Kordsmeier from the blog Root & Revel about her successful freelance writing career.

While many of us dream about the days when we could find enough success with our blogs that we could write for magazines like Cooking Light and Conde Nast Traveler, Kate’s already been-there-done-that. With a little experience in copywriting and a lot of drive, Kate was able to quit her full-time job and double her income with freelance writing – before she ever had a food blog.

In this interview, Kate shares a lot of tips and tricks she’s learned along the way so that you, too, can try your hand at freelance writing.

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