036: What Bloggers Need to Know about Copyrights, Contracts & more with Becky from My Utensil Crock

Welcome to episode 36 of the Food Blogger Pro podcast! Today, Bjork is talking with Becky Brown, a lawyer by day and food blogger by night, about copyrights, trademarks, and other legal stuff that surrounds blogging.

Becky Brown is an attorney for the Department of Homeland Security, and she has been for a rather long time. She started her food blog as a way to document what she did in her free time – namely, cooking!

However, as she got more and more involved with her blog she realized that there were legal implications for some of the things she did online. She also realized that there wasn’t a good resource for bloggers that explained these legalities and helped people navigate through them.

So, she and Liz Vaysman got together and put together an ebook specifically for bloggers that describes everything you need to know about the legalese of blogging in plain, easy-to-understand English. The ebook is called Think Like a Lawyer, Blog Like a Pro and helps bloggers avoid legal pitfalls that can otherwise catch you totally off guard.

As a special bonus, Becky is offering her book, Think Like a Lawyer Blog Like a Pro at a special discount for Food Blogger Pro members! To get the discount, head on over to our Deals page. If you’re not an FBP member, you can still get the ebook on Becky’s website here!

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035: How to 10x Your Facebook Following in One Year with Stephanie from Spaceships & Laser Beams

Welcome to episode 35 of the Food Blogger Pro podcast! Today, Bjork is talking about Facebook with Stephanie Keeping from Spaceships and Laser Beams (i.e. the coolest blog name ever).

I know… that title seems really outrageous and like a big, fat lie. But Stephanie actually did that in 2015. At the beginning of the year, she had a Facebook following of ~50,000 people, and by December she was up to 500k – a 10x increase.

This exponential gain in followers didn’t just happen. Instead, Stephanie made the conscious decision to focus on Facebook and use it to leverage her blog. Her dedication to this one goal has massively grown her blog traffic, her income, and her ability to do what she loves full time.

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034: How to Start a Career in Professional Food Photography and Styling with Pheasant & Hare

Welcome to episode 34 of the Food Blogger Pro podcast! Today, Bjork is talking with Richard Westley Wong and Sara Bartus – a food photography and styling team based out of Minneapolis, MN.

If you’ve ever dreamed of leaving it all behind and starting a brand new career in food photography or food styling, then this episode is for you! Both Sara and Richard started their professional careers in totally different fields – but they both landed in the creative space of food photography.

Now, they work together as a team, shooting both editorial content and banner shots for large companies. So, how did they get to where they are today? Listen in to find out!

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033: Notes on the Pinch of Yum Redesign

Welcome to episode 33 of the Food Blogger Pro podcast! This week, Bjork goes solo as he talks about the Pinch of Yum redesign.

If you frequent the Pinch of Yum website at all, you may have noticed some big (and small!) changes lately. While the general feel of the website is the same, things are certainly different.

The change is the result of a complete theme switch on Pinch of Yum, and today Bjork takes this podcast hour to talk about it. He starts off with some background info and metaphors of The Matrix (whaaaaat?), and then gets into some new things you’ll be seeing around POY. Sit down, grab a coffee and a pen, and get ready to hear some great stuff!

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032: Buying & Selling Websites with Mark Daoust from Quiet Light

Welcome to episode 32 of the Food Blogger Pro podcast! This week, Bjork talks with Mark Doust about buying and selling established websites.

Most of you probably aren’t thinking of selling your website right now. But even if you aren’t, knowing what makes a website "sellable" can really help you in the future if that day ever does come.

Mark Daoust has made his living by helping people buy and sell websites since 2007, and he’s become a go-to expert in the field. Lucky for us, he decided to come on the podcast today and tell us everything he knows – well, as much as he can in an hour!

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Rebranding Your Blog with Erin Clarke from Well Plated

Welcome to episode 31 of the Food Blogger Pro podcast! This week, Bjork talks with Erin Clarke from Well Plated about rebranding her food blog.

Back when Erin started her blog, it wasn’t called Well Plated. Instead, it was called The Law Student’s Wife – and that’s because 1) she was a law student’s wife, and 2) it wasn’t necessarily about food.

But after blogging under that name for a while, she decided that she loved posting recipes. And unfortunately, the name of her blog just didn’t fit any more.

So, she made the really tough decision to rebrand her blog, and she did it! But it wasn’t all rainbows and unicorns, though. There wasn’t much info about the process of rebranding out there, so she had to go at it all on her own.

In this episode, Erin shares what she learned along the way, and her #1 resource for learning what it takes to rebrand your blog.

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030: Blogging for the Long Term with Nick Evans from Macheesmo

Welcome to episode 30 of the Food Blogger Pro podcast! This week, Bjork interviews a member of the Food Blogger Pro community, Nick Evans from Macheesmo!

Many of you listening to this podcast right now know Nick Evans from the Food Blogger Pro community forums. Nick is always a voice of inspiration, motivation, and encouragement to other members on the forum.

What you might not know is that Nick has been doing this blogging thing for quite a long time – 8 years to be exact! And in this interview, he shares some really great realistic tips for maintaining a blog over the long term.

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029: The Phases of Pinch of Yum with Bjork & Lindsay Ostrom

Welcome to episode 29 of the Food Blogger Pro podcast! This is a special edition of the FBP podcast featuring… you guessed it! Bjork and Lindsay Ostrom.

It’s always so interesting to hear about the stories people have with their blogs – when they started, how they got going, what keeps them inspired.

However, it’s pretty rare to get a full breakdown of all the phases that the blog and the blogger(s) went through from day 1. Usually the stories talk about the beginning, and then the present.

But today, Bjork and Lindsay sit down together (literally) and talk about the 4 distinct stages Pinch of Yum went through up until today. It’s just so interesting. And if you listen alllll they way through to the end, they also have some cutesy married-couple moments that I distinctly decided not to edit out. It’s adorbs.

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028: How to Boost Your Blog’s SEO with Casey Markee from Media Wyse

Welcome to episode 28 of the Food Blogger Pro podcast! We are starting the new year off strong with a podcast all about optimizing your blog so that you can show up higher in search results.

SEO can sound like a really scary acronym – what does it even mean, and how can I make it work for me?! But fear not, because even though it can be pretty complex to master, it can also be pretty easy to get started with.

Casey Markee from Media Wyse specializes in boosting SEO for food blogs. He kind of fell into this niche by accident, and by now has worked with 50+ bloggers to help them rank higher in search. In this interview, he and Bjork talk about some of the really quick and easy things you can do to improve your blog’s SEO, as well as some of the higher-level stuff that can give you an extra SEO boost.

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027: Committing to a Niche and Building a Brand with Ali Maffucci from Inspiralized

Welcome to episode 27 of the Food Blogger Pro podcast! This is the last episode of 2015 – crazy! This week on the podcast, Bjork is talking with Ali Maffucci from Inspiralized!

When most bloggers start out, committing to a specific niche can seem scary – we don’t want to turn anyone away from our new blog! However, finding a small niche that you are really passionate about can help propel your blog into success.

Ali Maffucci has certainly found a small niche with Inspiralized. She posts recipes that all use a spiralizer, and she loves it! She’s been featured in many magazines, has her own product to sell, and has really captured the love and attention of fellow spiralizers.

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